Web Content Development
The Internet is the greatest advance in communications since Gutenberg -- but we as a society are still learning how to use it to best advantage. In more than five years of full-time experience developing web content, I've learned how to organize material and write effectively for the web. I'm also comfortable working with technologists to achieve marketing and communications goals.
- By coordinating the efforts of editors, designers, HTML producers and technologists, I have built new intranets at two Fortune 40 companies. After negotiating with internal content owners and technologists worldwide to gain acceptance of common navigational structure and "look-and-feel," we launched powerful new platforms to create, deliver and internally market new content on a daily basis.
- I led a team of a dozen people in creating and posting, over a single weekend, a multi-media website report on a senior leadership conference, including photos, audio, speech summaries, and carefully edited transcripts totaling more than 50,000 words.