Writing Versatility
My career has taken a number of different paths over the years, which has fostered a level of versatility that leaves me comfortable in taking on virtually any writing assignment.
- As both an employee and a consultant, I have repeatedly produced engaging, "you-are-there" articles for internal publications of major companies in two industries, reinforcing key corporate messages in an attention-grabbing manner.
- At Merrill Lynch I wrote and desktop-published a quarterly, two-page report for all employees, providing commentary on earnings and other issues in "break-through-the-clutter" prose, under the signature of the CEO.
- I've worked closely with Investor Relations and other financial professionals in preparing quarterly earnings reports for companies in a variety of industries.
- At Citigroup I developed and launched a daily email newsletter to all 250,000 employees, providing headlines and links to the Intranet, resulting in doubled traffic on the intranet news site.
- I wrote and desktop-published a weekly, two-page internal newsletter to 6,000 managers and senior professionals at Merrill Lynch, and later successfully transitioned the newsletter to a web-based format.
- Early in my career I led the night news desk operation for a daily newspaper, editing stories and writing headlines on deadline while enforcing editing standards.